Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Lately, I’ve been watched an interesting view on tv program. Shows the most conflictual, rough-taught, hypocrisy scene but fun still. The kind of Reality show, like non-talented game show isolates 18 people in a house without any communication device for 100 days. What they have to do is just stay, and become the last to survive so they can win a million rupiahs resident. The 18 finalist comes from different background, but one thing they all had in common was ambition. I’m not saying it’s bad. In fact it does make things better to watch.
Every week there will be one participant extradited, Decide by the boss and/or the key master. Both privileges of boss and key master given to the top 3 Rank decided by sms pool. They had to win the game to become boss or key master. What’s the good? Well if you one of them you’ll be save until the next week. Boss’s privilege is that he/she can save one of the three bottom candidates. And key master’s job is send one of the rest back home. The decision of boss and key master was very subjective, based on like or dislike and their own perception of threat potential (that’s the interesting part).
In order to survive they had to play strategy in there. From coalition, provoking, deceiving, dividing, everything it takes. They play character, all is shockingly creates dynamics in that house. But the character of arrogant always dominates, proved by 2 straight week become a boss, and 3 times key master. I’m talking about one of the arrogant candidates which over glorifying his ability to win every single game, and believe in his own determination and power to conquer all the challenge. He claims himself as the puppet master, controlled all the candidates and creates conflict in the house. When he wasn’t the boss, he always criticized the work performance of other and compares with his (which he claimed as flawless). That’s what the strategy about, to intimidate your rivals. The point is show your rival is bad even worst, than you appear as the best one.
Bottom line is, this tv shows recall me on the quotes of survival of the fittest. What the mean of this quote that I used to understand simply, be the strongest then you’ll survive. Excellent description law of jungle, perfect picture of uncivilized reality played by self-claims civilized creature. Yes, my tentative contextual comprehension upon the concept of survival of the fittest was: Eat or be eaten. I realized that it is also approved traditionally by majority. Just ask every one what they know about it, then they’ll describe how natural law reveal its secrets, about life chain, food pyramid, how the strong one will be on top of the pyramid, weak one dead first and become the lunch.
Now, the TV program show me more than what it comes at the surface, its not only about the strongest, because I found another paradox. I can’t figure how the weakest candidates, who always be in the bottom three every week still survive until now. He has no potential, no special thing to be proud of. He’s not the strongest, or the smartest. Always in the lowest position, but also escape from extradition. Even though he is lucky enough to be saved few time, My rational sense refused to believe in luck as much in that portion. Finally i came up with other alternative answer: he can fit in…! That’s what it is. He can adjust, adapt. And fit in where ever. And to be fit doesn’t necessary need the strength.
So about the question is it fitted still? Well literally it is, textually, if we put the comprehension back on its literal mean. “fit” …
Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010
This semester, I work on my thesis about the economy reform affect the democratization in Vietnam. By chance, I got this mentor. He’s basically cool with any adjustment, open with my idea, Great sparring partner, very helpful. But recently he’s being difficult, as result my work end up in postponed. watta pain in the butt.
Now, here I am try to spend my quality spare time by doing something useful. Do another research sounds blast. So I decided to explain the phenomenon of unbelievable behavior which you can only found in Vietnam Communist Party pre doi-moi and China government, (magically I found it now in my case). I will use micro approach to examine behavior of the individual (named authority) and how the decision reflected by his behavior affect the system (internationally approved: AUTHORITARIAN sob).
The introduction or chapter one will be:
Assume we faced the classic problem of dictatorship, packed in this several phrase: “no room for compromise”. “Do as what I said”, “take it or leave it”, or sarcastic quote: “I didn’t know that I have to adjust with your schedule (lit: it’s up to me!!)”, or this quote according to my friend’s horrible tragedy “I know you don’t like me, but what can you do, I am the only master in this subject (end with evil grin)”. This phrase or quotes from these unbelievable people caused by (assume) post traumatic disorder.
b.research question
1.What did I do?
2.How come??
3.What the fuck is wrong with you?? (pardon my French)
c.Research method
I’d love to use explanatory, mingle with unbelievable person who has unbelievable rapid mood of change per second plus sensitive floating rate. Which I cluster them as rollercoaster people with the fact after you round in one full circle, you will throw up. I also use behavioral approach in individual level of analysis to explain it, with indicator of idiosyncratic, history of personal track, medical record, possibility of psychological disorder, sexual preference cross examination, genetic transmits disability (What am I talking about??). etc. I will use a comparative model to see behavior of this individual with states behavior (China) or in simple model I will explain how the individual arrogance, will be so badly affected to the social system, Compare with China’s attitude and how it affected international and my system as well (I think I got a hole in my head)
Rapid mood of change based on hormonal sensitivity and dementedly arrogance like a bull in china shop ensued fatal in personal, social, and academic relation.
e.theory and concept
I interested with Johny Cash theory, “its better be loved than be feared” although it’s totally backlash with Folsom Prisons philosophy, “its better be feared than be bitched around”. I personally agree in first one, I mean, who knows tomorrow never come? Isn’t it great when the last minute of your live you know that people love you? (I heard funeral back sound). If you argue back, what if it still comes? Hack, It still great!!! You can’t deny how happy Nelson Mandela is, even he’s lock somewhere in Robben island, you can still see his happy face behind bars. That’s because he know that people love him. So arrogance is work outside Folsom prison, mate.
I also inspired by professor A Winehouse and Dr. K. Perry’s thought which considered as a break trough, the most visional intellectual invention in psychology studies and social science development. Winehouse brightly see the individual who appear as arrogant basically projecting his anger out in order to release the inner pain caused by misfortune event, root in his subconscious and accumulated as trauma. This individual, according to Winehouse need a serious care or rehabilitation, because there is a potential harm to other people. For instant, this people might perform further action of thesis postpone, (it’s a serious problem, don’t underestimate it). While Winehouse did a great job in psycho studies, a socialist (I mean social expert) Dr. K Perry see the phenomenon of society in urban era, which most of people, (differenced by gender) shows that -focus object on male gender- tend to be more arrogant when they are interact with their opposite kind. The arrogance they show mere as a disguise of clueless thought. Sometimes they show the arrogance to cover their rational disability to say what they want. That describe the example of how individual act sometimes hot sometimes cold, in out, one second up, another second down.
In this part I’m very please to let you conclude anything you like..
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
July 25th 2010- I Died Once Again
Prolog: why “baby te qiero, te qiero mucho” is not enough?? He left me because I don’t believe in his way to legally, formally, traditionally, mass publicize this love.
He’s married today,,, And I wont come,
It just sad
It’s like you had to witness the most fatal decision ever made by human being. I’d rather attend the funeral or witness some other horrible thing like mass murder execution in electric chair, or better filming the actual Jews execution in gas chamber back in 1930’s (I wish), or saw commodes ate a deer, or Daniel pearl beheaded, or other humanity tragedy in Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, I will take it with all pleasure rather had to see the marriage ceremonial. Especially the one who took the god damn oath (pardon my French) is him.
It’s just killing
To see someone I love (I really do) say that Satan forsake word: “I do”
It’s a total betrayed, if I had to see it happen and the only thing I do is stoned or worse in a weep tears without a power to stop it. What I mean with betrayed here is, you know that what he’s up to is a bad mistake; he’s unconscious even though all people say he is conscious but too stupid to made that decision, and you can not stop him (without drama of course), and you know that it’s illegal, to bang his head on the wall, just to ring the bell, wake him up; tried to make him “no, this is a mistake” then called that shit off, but you didn’t do it. So it counts you the same sin when you were there and let that happened.
What is so wrong with marriage anyway? Well that as wrong as murder, you know kill others or your self in purpose condemned by god right?? That what exactly marriage is. You gave up self freedom, the core essence of your existence that shall not taken by anyone even god in atheist perspective. When you do that you’re actually selling your soul in the lowest price for evil, you commit to be a right-less creature (that against the law of nature), tied your self with the most impossible thing in the world that called live time commitment only with one person. Impossible because you can never guarantee that you’ll love her in good or bad, rich or poor, till death take you apart. Believe me (or them-divorced one) you just can’t.
The old hypocrite’s quotes: “marriage is a wonderful institution”. Right…! Pretend that I buy that shit; marriage is a wonderful, great institution. But who wants to live in an institution anyway?
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010
Its weird how you go from stranger to be friend, to be more than friend, to being practically strangers again and it happens so fast.
Yea, you know I’m being melodramatic rite now, for the first time in my life I regret my miscalculated decision, I’m not regret the decision, but the miscalculated part.
Why I put this in here? Supposedly this page only to laugh at debaters stupidity,, but guess what?? This is also one of the stupidities of a debater. Let me tell you what it is precisely
Tell the other debater the magical word that will change the world: “I like you”
Yes ma’am, sir..
I should warn you about this; most important I should warn my self about this earlier…
Recently, I got crushed on my team mate; he’s not in our list actually. Bottom line is after 2 months (more-less) observation, I was positively confidently assume that this is it, I like him, and plan to tell him right away. I know I mite come of as a negative with this decision, but don’t get me wrong, the plan is already pass the long procedure of self debate, I’ve calculated the costs and benefit, counted on the possibilities, forecast the astrological match, consult with tarot experts, and finally decide to take the action with basic consideration: o.. what the hack? What worse than death?... but as you know, I’m not really good at math, miscalculation on the possibility that I still goin to meet him again is definitely become a disaster.
Straight shoot my man,, I tell him on one sunny Tuesday, I don’t really know, but I think it went well, I never expected any further action like hook up or proceed it somewhere, I wasn’t sure about boy friend- girl friend thing, which is quite normal in Indonesian date culture (well, after the confession it should be yes/no, “jadian” or awkward). What I want that time was he knew that I like him. That’s it.
But apparently it’s not that simple; I was shocked, and surprise how it affects me. A lot. I realize that it’s not only that, just not enough. I want him to know I like him (well at first) but then after I want him likes me back, and I’m fully satisfied. (still not expecting any BF-GF thing).
And here’s the best scene ladies and gents, the answer
Begin with positive responds (gesture, and expression) smile and said “really??? Seriously??? Since when???” (I heard the triumph), continued with the line: “I feel very flatter, thank you, Mia. But…” (then I heard sound of the 7th trumpet) he continued with the sentence that hit me right on my face and force me to get up and feel the punch on my nose again and makes me wish I was death (nah… that’s too much) by saying: “… I am with this girl now, and I want to focus on her,,, I’m not the guy who easily jump from one to another, so…” (sort of what he said as far as I can remember or imagine, because not sure I was conscious enough).
Yes sir, ma’am I was rejected (kinda)
Now what’s the moral in it?
1st lessons : make sure how bad you like this guy,
2nd lessons : make sure that he’s not a debater nor your team mate (believe me ladies, its unbelievably hard)
3rd lessons : count on the possibility of the chance that you’ll mite meet again or work in the same project or play in the next competition. Make sure you do the math, count it twice, thrice, verify it, sorter it, think again, and cancel it… (Before you humiliate yourself)
4th lessons : if you can’t help your self, please,, I mean pleeeeeeaaaaassss,,,, think about that again.
5th lessons : if you believe you must tell him otherwise you’ll choke till death, well… you better find the perfect timing,
Selasa, 06 April 2010
Maam, sir,,
Despites from the consideration that these speakers have innumerous guts, big balls so called (yet brain), this is deserve to be laugh,,, cos it’s funny as hell
THW ban 2012
Opposition 1st: we can’t do this because it will kill the creativity, the directors costs loads of money, he’ll be broke, worse will disrupt the flow of national economic balance. (la la la)
Proposition 2nd: why we should care to the director, he’s not our friend, nor family… he’s not even Indonesian
THBT mom is my hero (disclaimer: it’s not my motion… not in million years)
Proposition: mother is great, she gave us birth, life, guide us to the virtue, protect us from any harm, no matter what we’ve done she still loves us anyway, batman couldn’t loved us more than that
Opposition: no,, no,, GOD is the real hero!
THBT 30 percents tax for celebrity is not excessive (proposition define celebrity=artist)
Opposition: since there is no clarity upon celebrity definition we would like to put it in the right way. Celebrity is different with artist. Artist seems to have positive value judgments because of their work. they making art, contribute to culture. While celebrity only making sensation, rumors, and so on and so forth.
Proposition: if that is the definition, then everyone has a potential to be a celebrity. It’s only the matter of exposure. Fisherman can be a celebrity when he catches a big fish, got capture by local media, and there he is “a fisherman celebrity…”
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
Nature of white is not only symbolized the color of purity, peace, angel thing, light of heaven and so on and so forth, it’s also could be the symbol of top 1st class criminals (white collar) which simply agreed as “good people” by masochist community (again, because world is anarchy, you gotta be anarchy to survive, so anarchist include in the jail is good people). Predictable question such as: why white? Well because it’s universally acceptable, plus we don’t want to insult the conservative and bring other debate with homosexual if we put “pink” in this conversation. White is neutral in gender issue, that’s why.
The reason behind this idea to bring white outfit on this debate is because we as proposition think it’s a good way to strengthen the identity of Indonesia’s politician. We can’t underestimate the power of outfit, because old classic rotten people said: “you are what you wear” is so right. When you wear something clean, majority says you are a nice clean freak. They won’t check your room to clarify that. The same first impression when you wear white outfit especially when you come up with white suit, people will see you as Morgan Freeman in Bruce almighty. They think you are some kind of angel or saint (more-less). It’s all about how you can branding your image as good person by what you wear.
We think image relates to identity, and it’s important for any public figure to emphasizing this identity so public will have a hint to know what kind of figure they are. If people know about this figure, it will be easy to approach, the messages that the politician brought will be easy to inform, further if public is easy to approach and informed, then it will be a lot easier to provoke. That’s what all matter to politician, no? Public provoke (to get vote).
It’s also urgent to implement in Indonesia. We see that most of society paradigm already constructed by the idea that politics is a Satan strategy to invade poor human kind with injustice power, dirty business, corrupt and so… what we want to do is clarify this fatal error. We want to show the society even though the politicians are bad, greedy, dirty, hairless corruptors, they are not evil. They are just a slave (of evil). We want to restore the good side of Indonesia’s politicians, so public can trust them, see them with a little integrity, and in the end public can buy politicians word, and vote for them so god can save democracy.
The point is when politicians wear white not only show that they have pure intention to save this nation, somehow it will show that they are also feel sympathetic on Indonesia’s condition. They care that Indonesia is dying; the proper analogy to describe this is like, when you go to graveyard feel so morose even sad when you see death corps, wearing yellow will definitely not match, right? That’s why you need something to represent it. Black is so not Indonesian. That’s why white is necessary required in this case.
We believe that MJ’s impersonates is outrageous, and can’t be tolerate any longer. What they did is simply indignity of king’s great masterpiece. They imitate moonwalker and make it like some kind of joke. It’s just not good!
Why MJ? Because Elvis Presley impersonators is so outdated and already have its own public judgment as moronic action, but not yet in MJ’s case
MJ’s creation should be protected as national heritage by US government (so does Stevie Wonder and Dave Barry) to avoid any misbehave which directly impact to quality reduction. We would start it with a new law proposal to make this impersonator as criminal, with national heritage annihilation charge and put them straight to jail
We don’t want to put human right as the main core argument of opposition in the corner. We still can fairly protect rights here. If they found guilty impersonate MJ but didn’t cause any tangible effect toward reduction of product’s quality, or proved been forced by other people to do so (perhaps lost the bet), then we give them chance to have amnesty or clemency by Prince, MJ son. Why Prince not Parish? Because Prince is the first child and the most important he is a son. According to Moslem Shareea law, son gets ½ of total inheritance, so he has that privilege (we still couldn’t believe they buried MJ not in Islam way, that’s cruel!). Plus we don’t want to add extra hour for Obama (he’s still busy dealing with Guantanamo detainee transfer).
If they argue that: “it’s a freedom of individual expression even if they impersonate other people” then this is what we’ll say: go find a room to express that ambition or better find a job! It’s already ban in public places because we identify it causing tangible harm as quality reduction, and we can’t allow you to have your freedom above the destruction of others rights. That’s a massive violation.
Beside, this will also impact to other things, such as changing paradigm of society and disrupt the good memories about MJ, he’s good creation will slowly disappear because of the quality reduction impact, and the only thing remain in society’s mind is his scandal like pedophile accusation, or other issues such as lack of confidence as reason why he did plastic surgery, (until he got that pale face) and assumption all of it caused by childhood trauma. This is what we afraid the most and we would like to prevent, by take a serious action to criminalize the impersonator of MJ
Senin, 15 Maret 2010
THW Have One Nite Stand
This case set in the New York City, where every body came from every where, gathers in this center spot of universe. The chance for each of these people to meet again is like 1 to 9889. The chance to realize that they’ve met before, when they actually met one more time, like 1 to 98899. High mobility of individual activity is countless speed. Live in NYC is about how you can manage every second of your precious time useful (include your private time like sleep, bathing, eating, or sex). There’s 24/7 demand of working hour, to be survive you gotta fulfill this requirement. Most of it cost them a healthy private basic needs fulfillment. They often neglecting their self pleasure as human being, they failed to keep social relationship even with their family because of this demand. So if you talking about marriage or serious commitment, it sound so impossible in this case. But however, the subject of this debate is human being. When we talking about human being, we definitely can’t get rid sex in this conversation. Despite the right or wrong of free sex, or betraying the holly concept of marriage, or fornication, or sin, this supposed to be nothing to do with any of it.
It’s 100 percent pure biological needs.
It’s obviously fine when individual who live in NYC, have short brief anonym one night stand relation. As long as no pressure, and both part have same mutual perception agreed with any consequences, and do it in responsible way, then it will be fun-fine activity. .
The urgency to bring this idea, because it’s not only happened in NYC.
People in other part of world did so. But the thing is, the situation sometimes not even precisely the same. If people in NYC unintentionally pick random guy into one night, because they don’t have much time to be in a real relationship, the other people in other continent did it because of curiosity. They try to imitate this kind of style although they had tons of time and already into someone; just because they want to know how does it feel. This is what so called as cheating, and it’s unacceptable in any circumstance and there’s no way to justify this behavior (this is what normative value, and the society uphold it as common sense).
But we as proposition don’t think curiosity as basic reason why people have one night stand is completely wrong. As a matter of fact we believe its okay to do so.
We believe it’s simply not wise when we blame someone’s passion to understand things, even if it’s about sex (or one night stands). We already allow parents to give sex education to their children ever since they asked about it (how come baby brother appear in our family, or why every month mommy got pissed? what is period? why dad has beard and mom hasn’t? why every ten o’clock mommy and daddy locked their bedroom?). We think it’s good to give the understanding to your children, answer to their curiosity, because we hope they will have provisions as basic consideration, basic knowledge to do rational calculation when they ready to have sex. So curiosity simply can’t be blamed.
Now we are agree on curiosity part, aren’t we? Now let’s talk about method
The proposition of sex curiosity not only valid for children, it’s valid for everyone, in any age, and it’s valid for lifetime. For the children, verbal explanation might enough, depends on who’s talking, with what method (you can use story book as tools and pick 9 o’clock in the evening as your timing, prince and princess as your subject, once upon a time as opening line of your bedtime story) and that’s it, they won’t bother you for next couple of years. It’s enough for children but don’t even think it’s cool for adult. They need more to satisfy this curiosity. Preaching in biology class or AIDS seminar is so 90’s, visual and sound effect or electronic devices are not enough, they need more than just demonstration, they need experimental research, observation is like quantifying method, and it’s still questionable. They have to try it, right there; with artificial instrument perhaps (they could invent it thou). While time goes by, curiosity never die; in fact Its sky rocketing. The need of curiosity is not only in form of understanding, now it turns to be a self experience satisfaction. People not only need to know about sex, they need to experience it. And the level is going advance, they don’t need to have sex only with their couple, they need to have sex with random people. That’s why they start to looking for one night stand. Bottom line is that curiosity is good. Because of this curiosity, level of knowledge is increasing; people start to make a legitimate research of this behavior and patent it to be a guide book (just ask sociologist, or psychologist, or Dave Barry)
You see, have one night stand is good thing to do. it doesn’t mean to be irresponsible, or legalizing free sex, you still can forsake them if you like (that’s immature dude,). We just want to emphasize there’s nothing wrong with one night stand as long as they did it in responsible way.
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
TH Stuck in Prisoner’s Dilemma
Pedro dan Rudolfo tertangkap karena membobol bank nasional MCSCA (Mi casa su casa amigo) dan kini ditempatkan pada sel isolasi yang berbeda. Background profil Keduanya adalah pencuri part time dan tercatat sebagai anggota di salah satu perserikatan pencuri kelas teri yang terdiri atas 15 anggota sampah masyarakat (10 orang pengangguran, 2 orang PSK, 3 orang siswa SMU yang tidak lulus ujian akhir nasional. Pedro dan Rudolfo termasuk yang pengaguran). Basically, they are amateur.
Karena mereka amatir, maka orientasinya lebih berat pada kebebasan (atau pembebasan) individu (personal freedom) dibanding nasib comrade-nya (kawan seperjuangan operasi pembobolan bank). Seorang prosecutor cerdas memanfaatkan latar belakang tersangka yang amatir tersebut dan memberi tawaran kepada masing-masing.
“yo chico, kamu boleh memilih mengaku atau tetap diam. Kalau kamu mengaku dan comrade-mu tetap diam, maka saya akan mencabut semua tuntutan terhadapmu, dan dengan kesaksianmu, saya pastikan temanmu-lah yang melakukan kejahatan tersebut. tapi bila kamu memilih diam dan temanmu mengaku, maka dia akan bebas dan kamu yang akan membusuk di penjara, bila kalian berdua mengaku, maka akan ada dua tersangka, tapi akan saya pertimbangkan pembebasan bersyarat. Namun bila kalian berdua memilih diam, maka saya bisa dengan gampang menjebloskan kalian ke penjara dengan tuntutan kepemilikan senjata. Kalau mau mengaku, kau harus tinggalkan pesan tertulis pada sipir sebelum kedatanganku besok pagi, comprende amigo..?”
If you pedro or rudolfo what will yo do???
Ps: firearms possession is illegal in this story; don’t try to think to escape. coz u r an amateur, if u pro u not gonna get caught.
Dilemma yang dihadapi para tahanan adalah, apapun keputusan yang diambil pedro maupun rudolfo, nampaknya pilihan yang terbaik bagi keduanya adalah mengaku dibanding tetap bungkam. Namun hasil yang diperoleh ketika mereka berdua mengaku, lebih buruk bagi masing-masing bila dibandingkan dengan hasil yang akan mereka peroleh bila tetap bungkam. Secara umum, visualisasi yang ditangkap dari ilustrasi tersebut merupakan sebuah puzzle konflik antara rasionalitas individual dan kelompok. Sebuah kelompok yang anggotanya mengejar rasionalitas kepentingan pribadi (self-interest) mungkin berakhir dengan lebih buruk dibanding dengan kelompok yang anggotanya bertindak dan membuat keputusan yang melawan rasionalitas kepentingan pribadi.
umumnya, jika imbalan tidak diasumsikan untuk mewakili kepentingan pribadi, kelompok anggota yang secara rasional mengejar tujuan apapun, mungkin semuanya akan mendapatkan kesuksesan yang lebih kecil bila dibandingkan dengan secara tidak rasional mengejar tujuan mereka secara individual.
Lebih jelasnya, prisoner’s dilemma game dan generalisasi multi-playernya merupakan contoh dari situasi-situasi yang sangat familiar dimana manusia sebagai aktor rasional dihadapkan kepada sulitnya kenyataan dan konsekuensi pilihan yang ada untuk menjadi rasional. Makhluk-makhluk egois (selfish agents) bekerjasama demi tujuan bersama. Pilihan rasional yang diputuskan oleh para aktor menggambarkan dilemma antara selfish behavior dan altruism sosial. Aktor yang membuat Keputusan untuk mengaku, tidak peduli apapun yang dilakukan aktor lainnya akan memberi keutungan pada dirinya secara individual, namun bila keputusan yang dibuat adalah tetap bungkam maka akan menguntungkan aktor lain.
Menguntungkan satu pihak tidak selalu salah, tentu saja, dan menguntungkan pihak lainnya tidak selalu diharuskan secara moral.
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
THW cry for brother 6 times
Suatu ketika, untuk membeli sebuah sapu tangan yang mana semua gadis di sekelilingku memilikinya, aku mencuri lima puluh sen dari laci ayahku, ayah segera menyadarinya. Beliau membuat adikku dan aku berlutut di depan tembok dengan sebuah tongkat bamboo ditangannya.
“siapa yang mencuri uang itu?” beliau bertanya,. aku terpaku terlalu takut untuk berbicara. Ayah tidak mendengar siapapun mengaku jadi beliau mengatakan “baiklah, kalu begitu kalian berdua layak dipukul”
Dia mengangkat tongkat bambu itu tinggi-tinggi, tiba-tiba adikku mencengkram tangannya dan berkata “ayah, akulah yang melakukkannya.. !”
Tongkat panjang itu menghantam punggung adikku bertubi-tubi. Ayah begitu marahnya dan terus memukul hingga kehabisan napas. Sesudahnya, beliau duduk di atas ranjang batu bata kami dan memarahi, “kamu sudah berani mencuri dirumah sekara, kejahatan apalagi yang akan kamu lakukan dimasa mendatang? Kamu layak dipukul sampai mati, kamu pencuri tidak tahu malu!’
Malam itu, ibu dan aku memeluk adikku. Tubuhnya penuh dengan luka tap;I ia tidak menitikan air mata setetes pun. Di pertengahan malam itu, aku tiba-tiba mulai menangis meraung-raung. Adikku menutup mulutku dengan tangan kecillnya dan berkata “kak, jangan menangis lagi sekarang, semua sudah terjadi”
Aku masih membenci diriku karena tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mengakui kesalahanku. Bertahun-tahun telah lewat, namun insiden itu kelihatannya seperti baru kemarin terjadi. Aku tidak akan pernah lupa tampang adikku ketika ia melindungiku. Waktu itu adikku berusia 8 tahun dan aku berusia 11.
Ketika adikku berada pada tahun terakhirnnya di SMP, ia lulus untuk masuk ke SMA kabupaten, pada saat yang sama aku diterima untuk masuk ke universitas provinsi. Malam itu, ayah berjongkok di halaman, menghisap; rokok tembakaunnya, bungkus demi bungkus. Aku mendengarnya memberengut, “kedua anak kita telah memberikan hasil yang sangat bagus, hasil yang sangat bagus.”. ibu mengusap air matanya yang mengalir dan menghela nafas, “apa gunanya? Bagaimana mungkin kita bisa membiayai keduannya sekaligus?’
Saat itu juga adikku berjalan keluar kehadapan ayah dan berkata, “ayah, aku tidak mau melanjutkan sekolah lagi, sudah cukup banyak buku yang kubaca”
Ayah mengayunkan tangannya dan memukul adikku tepat diwajahnya, “mengapa kau memiliki jiwa yang begitu keparat lemahnya? Bahkan jika berarti aku harus mengemis di jalan, aku akan menyekolahkan kamu berdua sampai selesai”
Dan begitu kemudian ia mengetuk setiap rumah di dusun untuk meminjam uang. Aku menjulurkan tanganku selembut yang aku bisa ke wajah adikku yang membengkak dan berkata, “seorang anak laki-laki harus meneruskan sekolahnya, kalau tidak ia tidak akan pernah meninggalkan jurang kemiskinan ini. Aku telah memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan ke universitas”
Siapa sangka keesokan harinya, sebelum subuh datang, adikku meninggalkan rumah dengan beberapa helai pakaian lusuh dan sedikit kacang yang sudah mengering. Dia menyelinap disamping ranjangku dan meninggalkan secarik kertas diatas bantalku, “kak, masuk universitas tidaklah mudah, aku akan mencari kerja dan mengirimmu uang”
Aku memegang kertas tersebut diatas tempat tidurku dan menangis dengan air mata bercucuran sampai suaraku hilang. Tahun itu, adikku berusia 17 dan aku 20
Dengan uang yang ayahku pinjam dari seluruh dusun dan uang yang adikku hasilkan dari mangangkut semen di p;unggungnya pada lokasi konstruksi, aku akhirnya sampai di tahun ketiga. Suatu hari, aku sedang belajar di kamarku, ketika teman sekamarku masuk dan memberitahukan “ada seorang penduduk dusun menunggumu diluar”
Mengapa ada seorang penduduk dusun mencariku? Aku berjalan keluar dan melihat adikku dari jauh, seluruh badannya tertutup debu semen dan pasir. Aku menanyakannya, “mengapa kamu tidak bilang pada teman sekamarku kalau kamu adalah adikku?”
Dia menjawab tersenyum “ lihat bagaimana penampilanku, apa yang akan mereka pikirkan jika tahu aku adikmu? Apa mereka tidak akan menertawakanmu?”
Aku merasa trenyuh, dan tidak dapat menahan airmataku, aku menyapu debu-debu dari adikku, dan tersekat-sekat dalam kata-kataku, “aku tidak peduli pada siapapun! Kamu adalah adikku bagaimanapun juga! Kamu adalah adikku bagaimanapun penampilanmu!”
Dari sakunya, ia mengeluarkan sebuah jepit rambut berbentuk kupu-kupu dan memberikannya padaku “aku melihat gadis-gadis kota memakainya, dan kupikir kau harus memiliki satu”
Aku tidak dapat menahan diri lebih lama, aku menarik adikku ke dalam pelukanku dan menagis, dan menagis. Tahun itu adikku berusia 20 dan aku 23
Kali pertama aku membawa pacarku kerumah, kaca jendela yang pecah telah diganti, dan rumah kelihatan bersih sekali. Setelah pacarku pulang, aku menghampiri ibuku, “bu, ibu tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membereskan rumah kita”, tetapi ibu tersenyum dan mengatakan,”itu adikmu yang pulang lebih awal dan membereskan rumah, tidakkah kau melihat luka ditangannya? Dia terluka saat memasang jendela baru”
Aku masuk kedalam ruangan kecil adikku, melihat wajahnya yang kurus serasa 100 jarum jam menususkku. Aku mengoleskan obat pada lukanya dan membalutnya “apakah itu sakit?” aku menanyakannya.
“tidak, tidak sakit. Kau tahu, ketika aku bekerja di lokasi konstruksi, batu-batu berjatuhan dikakiku setiap saat, itu bahkan tidak menghentikanku bekerja dan…” ditengah-tengah kalimatnya ia berhenti, aku membalikkan badan dan airmataku mengalir deras. Tahun itu, adikku berusia 23 dan aku 26.
Ketika aku menikah dan tinggal di kota, banyak kali suamiku dan aku mengundang orang tuaku untuk datang dan tinggal bersama kami, tetapi mereka tidak pernah mau adikku juga tidak setuju, dia mengatakan “kak, jaga saja mertuamu, biar aku yang mengurus ayah dan ibu”
Suamiku menjadi direktur di pabriknya dan menginginkan adikku bekerja padanya sebagai menejer di bagian pemeliharaan, tetapi adikku menolak tawaran tersebut, dan berkeras memulai pekerjaan sebagai pekerja reparasi.
Suatu hari adikku diatas besuah tangga sedang memperbaiki sebuah kabel, ketika ia mendapat sengatan listrik dan masuk rumah sakit, suamiku dan aku pergi menjenguknya, melihat gips putih pada kakinya aku menggerutu, “mengapa kau tidak mau mendengarkanku? mengapa tidak kau terima saja pekerjaan sebagai menejer? Menejer tidak perlu melakukan sesuatu yang berbahaya seperti ini”
Dengan tamp;ang serius dia membantah, “ coba pikirkan kakak ipar, dia baru jadi direktur, dan aku hampir tidak berpendidikan, jika aku menjadi menejer, apa yang akan dicicarakan orang”.
Mata suamiku dipenuhi air mata, aku sendiri terisak-isak, “tapi kamu kurang berpendidikan juga karena aku” dia menggenggam tanganku, “mengapa membicarakan masa lalu?” dia berkata mencoba menghiburku. Tahun itu, adikku berusia 26 dan aku 29 tahun.
Adikku kemudian berusia 30 tahun dan menikahi seorang gadis petani dari dusun itu, dalam acara pernikahannya, pembawa acara perayaan itu bertanya kepadanya, siapa yang paling kau hormati dan kasihi? Tanpa berpikir ia menjawab,”kakakku!”
Ia melanjutkan dengan menceritakan kembali sebuah kejadian yang aku sendiri bahkan tidak mengingatnya. “ketika aku masih SD, kami bersekolah di dusun seberang, kami harus menempuh perjalanan 2 jam. Suatu hari ketika pulang sekolah, aku kehilangan sebelah sarung tanganku, dan kakakku memberikan sebelah sarung tangannya kepadaku dan dia hanya memakai sebelah saja dan berjalan sejauh itu. Ketika kami tiba dirumah, tangannya begitu gemetaran karena cuaca yang begitu dingin. Dia bahkan tidak bisa memegang sendok saat makan, sejak saat itu aku bersumpah, selama aku hidup aku akan menjaga kakakku, dan baik kepadanya..
Aku tidak dapat berkata apa-apa, hanya airmata yang deras membanjiri wajahku.. tidak ada yang mampu menggambarkan kasihku kepada adikku,, terlebih dalam menggambarkan kasihnya kepadaku.
(happy birthday oeppiy.. )
Senin, 15 Februari 2010
THB in Heart
Ini kali pertama aku coba menulis sesuatu tentang anatomi manusia. Mencoba jujur membahasakan suatu part dalam tubuh manusia yang dinamakan hati. Satu bagian yang ruangnya diisi oleh sesuatu.. Fungsi dari hati ini, aku sendiri tidak terlalu paham. Yang aku tahu hati berfungsi mengeluarkan anti toksin.. aku sendiri tidak merasakan keberadaannya pun manfaatnya dalam tubuhku. Aku tidak melihat anti toksin yang diproduksinya. Eksistensi hati sepertinya bisa dirasakan saat orang lain menerangkannya
Tapi ada lagi hati lainnya, bentuknya dideskripsikan oleh hampir setiap orang dengan bentuk question mark atau tanda tanya yang saling berhadapan, seperti sedang berciuman namun tanpa titik dibawahnya. Ruangnya diberi warna pink kadang merah. Entah apa maksudnya.
Berbeda dengan jenis hati yang diatas, hati model kedua bisa dirasakan eksistensinya tanpa diterangkan orang lain padaku. Aku bisa paham dengan sangat gejala-gejalanya bila hati itu tidak berfungsi dengan baik, atau sedang dalam fungsi optimal Aku memahaminya dengan sangat, tanpa perlu pendidikan formal, penjelasan ilmiah, atau bahkan myth sekalipun. Aku sepertinya tak butuh eksplanasi orang lain agar memahaminya. Aku bisa merasakannya sendiri. Itulah yang disebut alamiah, mungkin.
Manusia bisa merasakan sakit yang benar-benar sangat, dan saat itu mereka tahu hatinya sedang tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
Manusia bisa merasakan senang yang benar-benar sangat, dan saat itu mereka juga tahu kalau hatinya sedang dalam fungsi optimalnya
Keduanya berhubungan langsung dengan indera…
Sakitnya bisa membuat kelenjar airmata lebih produktif……………menangis/isak/sedih
Senangnya bisa membuat testosteron lebih produktif……………tertawa/senyum/bahagia
Namun gejala awal keduanya adalah perasaan seperti mual. Full, isi perut seperti dibolak-balik.
Manusia merasakan hal itu sangat sering.. namun bila terlalu sering sensasi itu mungkin tidak lagi muncul.
Kamu,,,, yang sedang merasakan bahagia yang amat sangat, atau sakit yang membunuh,, di hati. bersukurlah. Jangan minta pada tuhan untuk mengawetkan rasa bahagiamu dan mengakhiri rasa sakitmu.
Bila rasa bahagiamu everlasting, bosan bisa menghampiri. Lama-lama mati rasa.
Bila rasa sakitmu diakhiri, kamu tak lagi berharap bahagia.akan datang setelah ini. Kamu tidak lagi berharap. Tak ada harapan, sama saja tidak hidup
Kamis, 11 Februari 2010
Klarifikasi soal Debater
Bottom line is,, even 6 years sounds great and suppose to be full of experience and achievement, I’m still stuck on “ best 50” in total 55.. the coolest part was, the best 51-55 was senior hi school students, (nah,, I’m jokin’ ! just so you wont kill ur self for being so pathetic)
Benang merah …
Debate atau dalam bahasa Indonesia terjemahan kamus, diartikan sebagai debat, definisinya bermacam-macam:
Satire definition (for sum): debate is arguing something (with ur opponent off course) in order to convince people that you are RIGHT… (Or other is wrong, not effective, illogic, bad, sucks, wacko, or so.. you got it!)
Anti satire definition (for the rest): clash between aversions, in order to express the innumerous hatred, or self objection upon things in life.. Sometimes they argue with them self, namanya perdebatan batin (I know it’s bit excessive)
Aku termasuk penganut satire one, menurutku debat sangat menyenangkan (zzz… obyektifnya mana??) Debat sangat bermanfaat,, logikanya seperti menabung di bank.. (POI?.... don’t bother!) debat bisa mengasah kemampuan berpikir logis, one step ahead ato kerennya: futuristic (atau utopis), banyak manfaatnya lagi…, terlebih dalam public-speaking skill and u know what, write doesn’t count…
In my opinion,, sekarang apalagi sih yang paling gak penting daripada meyakinkan orang banyak kalau kamu yang paling benar, so here’s the simple premises
Ngotot + ngibul logis = bikin orang yakin kalo kamu paling benar,
Ngotot + ngibul = gak penting
Meyakinkan orang kalo kamu yang paling benar = gak penting
(misalnya, debat sama tukang sayur klo harga 1 papan tempe Rp;1500 instead of Rp. 2000 evidencenya market review metro TV, dan berusaha meyakinkan kalo kamu paling benar)
Bikin yakin orang kalo kamu yang paling benar = menyenangkan
(just admit! dapat potongan Rp.500 dari 1 papan tempe,, dikali aja 10 papan = Rp. 5000 bisa nyumbang koin utk prita)
Yang gak penting = menyenangkan..!
(wanna prove??? Again it’s Tempe man....)
Untuk beberapa orang, debater is like the most selfish, ego-centric, g-mau-kalah-percuma-saja-ngomong-baik-baik-pake-bahasa-jawa-kromo-tingkat-tinggi-tapi-tetep-aja-ngotot…person.. tapi sebenarnya pemahaman seperti itu diragukan dan perlu dilakukan uji coba lanjutan,
Recently,, aku melakukan test kecil-kecilan (jangan tanya metodenya) terhadap perilaku debater untuk menunjukan pembenaran atas asumsi mayoritas bahwa mereka adalah makhluk yang paling bissssaaa aja, menang sendiri, keras kepala, dan yang keras-keras lainnya..,, namun sedihnya (sekaligus bangganya) harus ku umumkan bahwa tidak ada pembenaran atas satu pun claim tersebut..
Dibalik appearance yang sengak, congkak, pelit, sadis, malas bikin laporan pertanggung jawaban, ngototan, dan beberapa sifat lainnya yang sangat tidak friendly bagi makhluk sosial (hitungannya orang jawa), debaters sebenarnya quite (….u know) nice..
Category A (pengabdian terhadap orang tua)
Most of debaters punya IPK diatas 3,5 (diatas loh ya…) standart??, argumentnya: banyak mahasiswa lainnya yang bukan debater malah ada yang IPKnya 4.00.. but here’s the rebuttal: berapa banyak mahasiswa non-debater ber IPK diatas 3,5 yang bisa berargumen canggih untuk melegalisasi prostitusi, aborsi, hak homosexual menikah, dengan set of sophisticated mechanism, dan justifikasi yang meyakinkan hanya dengan waktu 7 menit 20 detik,…? None..
Or.. ada berapa banyak mahasiswa non-debater ber-IPK diatas 3,5 yang bisa berargumen canggih mendukukng mosi seperti politicians should not be allowed to own media companies, atau Academy Awards do more harm than good, atau mungkin supports a 35 hour working week, atau berargumen mendukung economic growth as the solution to climate change, atau bisakah mereka support Turkish military action in Kurdistan.,..?? hah..! I don’t think so,,
You see,, debater do that,, they do argue everything without put them self into pergulatan batin dan berlama-lama didalamnya (they got only 30 minutes) which most of mahasiswa non debater can’t argue that way,,
Link-nya: debater is smart person, (waaaayyy… to smart, juz look at definition they made) rata-rata update, even if they’re not updated, they still update (believe me), pengabdian apa yang lebih diharapkan orang tua pada anaknya selain berprestasi, IPK tinggi, lulus kuliah cepet..? (oiya taat kepada tuhan YME: lihat category D) debater do so,, benerkan? Debater adalah anak berbakti, quite nice huh? (if among you debater, yang punya IPK dibawah 3.5,,, shame on you!!!)
Category B (pengabdian tehadap institusi pendidikan)
Most of nowadays debaters are money oriented. You bet that right! Mereka ga bakal mau ikut kompetisi yang hadiahnya dibawah 2 jeti,, jangan salah klo ngiranya hadiah menang lomba bakal dikasih ke kampus, bentuk pengabdiannya berbeda dude, bukan uang (definitely not) bukan juga nama baik kampus yang harum kalau menang (sukur kalo menang, kalo kagak?) my point is, kampus sebagai institusi pendidikan akan sangat terharu kalau mahasiswa hasil didikannya bisa mengamalkan ilmu yang diajarkan, bukan? They thought us to be real person, to be ready to face the real world, right?! Which more-less can’t survive without money.. (there’s no such thing as free even education) logika itu yang coba diajarkan kepada mahasiswanya, which successfully implemented oleh debater. Just imagine how proud kampus pada mahasiswanya (yang debater) saat mereka punya tujuan nyata yang tangible dalam mengikuti kompetisi: menang (dan 2 jeti), universitas sangat terharu melihat produk dididkannya berhasil beradaptasi dengan dunia nyata, (terutama dekan fakultas ekonomi). Compare aja dengan mahasiswa non debater, yang rata-rata ikut kompetisi (limited yang cerdas doank) ga berharap muluk-muluk, yang penting pengalaman dan tambah teman, debater do so (awalnya) tapi ada tujuan jangka panjang, taun depan menang (dan 2 jeti).. you see, pengabdian apa lagi yang bisa diharapkan universitas selain melihat mahasiswanya berhasil menjadi manusia yang sejati, the real one with real purpose (oiya bermanfaat terhadap manusia lainnya: lihat Category C) and debater do so,, bener kan?! Debater adalah mahasiswa berbakti, quite nice huh?! (if among you debater, yang beranggapan yang penting pengalaman,,, shame on you!!!)
Category C (pengabdian terhadap masyarakat/manusia)
No doubt… dalam setiap argument yang dibuat debater, selalu didasarkan pada pancasila (sila pertama kadang-kadang). Segala macam label sosial tidak pernah absent dalam argumentasi yang dibuat, for instants: society acceptance, demands of society, social order, social chaos, social values, social right dan sub-sub right lainnya yang melekat dalam kehidupan manusia seperti (right of woman, right of unborn child, right of labor, dan right2 lainnya) ckckck… sangat berdedikasi bukan?! Merinding kalo ditelaah lebih dalam
Category D (pengabdian terhadap tuhan YME)
Banyak waktu yang terkuras saat mencoba mengungkap tabir yang satu ini.. but then I got it, debater jarang terbuka bila menyangkut vertical relation, 180 degrees if you compare with horizontal issues.. sangat jarang ada debater yang membuat argument tentang religion matter, or god issues unless the motion is science made god redundant and you are opposition, (hah!). Debater sangat jarang menggunakan god influence to determine their argument. Berbeda dengan manusia yang bukan debater yang dikit-dikit mengguanakan pembelaan “dilarang oleh agama dan tuhan” saat menolak ide legalisasi aborsi atau prostitusi atau drugs, atau rokok, atau sex before married, atau gay married (typical, I know,, right?!) atau dalam kasus lainnya seperti “mom is my hero” tipe manusia non-debater akan menyanggahnya dengan “god is the real hero”.. I’m not sayin debater is godless creature, tapi setelah ditelaah lebih mendalam, ternyata itulah esensi pengabdian terhadap tuhan. Pertama, debater lebih malas “membela” tuhan dengan asumsi, god is already good, and that’s truism if you oppose that, where’s the rush if you do challenge? Like two way debate,, (doesn’t mean their chicken) but the only reason challenge debate happens is because that debater stupid (you feel me?).. so they tend to leave god alone, tidak bergantung dan membuat repot tuhan dengan menyertakannnya dalam perdebatan. Kedua, debater lebih ekspresif bila memperdebatkan topik-topik anti ketuhanan, especially when they’re in position to support the motion, mereka lebih provokatif dan sangat bersemangat menikmati tatapan dan cemoohan audience (yang non debater) their turn on (fire..) when making fun of people who oppose them and keep faith in god (regardless). But the good thing, what they did is actually membuat manusia lainnya makin offensive untuk membela tuhan.. you gotta create bad guy so good guy will come (am I right ?!), yang mereka lakukan kadang sangat provokatif, but look at the bright side, keimanan manusia lainnya (non debater) makin tebal.. you see,, they are true martyr.. pengabdian apa yang lebih diinginkan tuhan kepada makhluknya selain upaya membuat makhluk lainnya mendapat hidayah dan kembali kepadanya?? (Seriously.. I have no idea)
Nah… demikianlah,, beberapa hal yang memperlihatkan ke-imutan debater, if you try lil hard (keep pushin’ it) you will see that they aren’t that bad.. hahahaha………
Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science studies the ways in which gender does and ought to influence our conceptions of knowledge, the knowing subject, and practices of inquiry and justification. It identifies ways in which dominant conceptions and practices of knowledge attribution, acquisition, and justification systematically disadvantage women and other subordinated groups, and strives to reform these conceptions and practices so that they serve the interests of these groups. Various practitioners of feminist epistemology and philosophy of science argue that dominant knowledge practices disadvantage women by
(1) excluding them from inquiry,
(2) denying them epistemic authority,
(3) denigrating their “feminine” cognitive styles and modes of knowledge,
(4) producing theories of women that represent them as inferior, deviant, or significant only in the ways they serve male interests,
(5) producing theories of social phenomena that render women's activities and interests, or gendered power relations, invisible, and
(6) producing knowledge (science and technology) that is not useful for people in subordinate positions, or that reinforces gender and other social hierarchies. Feminist epistemologists trace these failures to flawed conceptions of knowledge, knowers, objectivity, and scientific methodology. They offer diverse accounts of how to overcome these failures.
They also aim to:
(1) explain why the entry of women and feminist scholars into different academic disciplines, especially in biology and the social sciences, has generated new questions, theories, and methods,
(2) show how gender has played a causal role in these transformations, and
(3) defend these changes as cognitive, not just social, advances.
The central concept of feminist epistemology is that of a situated knower, and hence of situated knowledge: knowledge that reflects the particular perspectives of the subject. Feminist philosophers are interested in how gender situates knowing subjects. They have articulated three main approaches to this question: feminist standpoint theory, feminist postmodernism, and feminist empiricism. Different conceptions of how gender situates knowers also inform feminist approaches to the central problems of the field: grounding feminist criticisms of science and feminist science, defining the proper roles of social and political values in inquiry, evaluating ideals of objectivity and rationality, and reforming structures of epistemic authority.