This semester, I work on my thesis about the economy reform affect the democratization in Vietnam. By chance, I got this mentor. He’s basically cool with any adjustment, open with my idea, Great sparring partner, very helpful. But recently he’s being difficult, as result my work end up in postponed. watta pain in the butt.
Now, here I am try to spend my quality spare time by doing something useful. Do another research sounds blast. So I decided to explain the phenomenon of unbelievable behavior which you can only found in Vietnam Communist Party pre doi-moi and China government, (magically I found it now in my case). I will use micro approach to examine behavior of the individual (named authority) and how the decision reflected by his behavior affect the system (internationally approved: AUTHORITARIAN sob).
The introduction or chapter one will be:
Assume we faced the classic problem of dictatorship, packed in this several phrase: “no room for compromise”. “Do as what I said”, “take it or leave it”, or sarcastic quote: “I didn’t know that I have to adjust with your schedule (lit: it’s up to me!!)”, or this quote according to my friend’s horrible tragedy “I know you don’t like me, but what can you do, I am the only master in this subject (end with evil grin)”. This phrase or quotes from these unbelievable people caused by (assume) post traumatic disorder.
b.research question
1.What did I do?
2.How come??
3.What the fuck is wrong with you?? (pardon my French)
c.Research method
I’d love to use explanatory, mingle with unbelievable person who has unbelievable rapid mood of change per second plus sensitive floating rate. Which I cluster them as rollercoaster people with the fact after you round in one full circle, you will throw up. I also use behavioral approach in individual level of analysis to explain it, with indicator of idiosyncratic, history of personal track, medical record, possibility of psychological disorder, sexual preference cross examination, genetic transmits disability (What am I talking about??). etc. I will use a comparative model to see behavior of this individual with states behavior (China) or in simple model I will explain how the individual arrogance, will be so badly affected to the social system, Compare with China’s attitude and how it affected international and my system as well (I think I got a hole in my head)
Rapid mood of change based on hormonal sensitivity and dementedly arrogance like a bull in china shop ensued fatal in personal, social, and academic relation.
e.theory and concept
I interested with Johny Cash theory, “its better be loved than be feared” although it’s totally backlash with Folsom Prisons philosophy, “its better be feared than be bitched around”. I personally agree in first one, I mean, who knows tomorrow never come? Isn’t it great when the last minute of your live you know that people love you? (I heard funeral back sound). If you argue back, what if it still comes? Hack, It still great!!! You can’t deny how happy Nelson Mandela is, even he’s lock somewhere in Robben island, you can still see his happy face behind bars. That’s because he know that people love him. So arrogance is work outside Folsom prison, mate.
I also inspired by professor A Winehouse and Dr. K. Perry’s thought which considered as a break trough, the most visional intellectual invention in psychology studies and social science development. Winehouse brightly see the individual who appear as arrogant basically projecting his anger out in order to release the inner pain caused by misfortune event, root in his subconscious and accumulated as trauma. This individual, according to Winehouse need a serious care or rehabilitation, because there is a potential harm to other people. For instant, this people might perform further action of thesis postpone, (it’s a serious problem, don’t underestimate it). While Winehouse did a great job in psycho studies, a socialist (I mean social expert) Dr. K Perry see the phenomenon of society in urban era, which most of people, (differenced by gender) shows that -focus object on male gender- tend to be more arrogant when they are interact with their opposite kind. The arrogance they show mere as a disguise of clueless thought. Sometimes they show the arrogance to cover their rational disability to say what they want. That describe the example of how individual act sometimes hot sometimes cold, in out, one second up, another second down.
In this part I’m very please to let you conclude anything you like..
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