Lately, I’ve been watched an interesting view on tv program. Shows the most conflictual, rough-taught, hypocrisy scene but fun still. The kind of Reality show, like non-talented game show isolates 18 people in a house without any communication device for 100 days. What they have to do is just stay, and become the last to survive so they can win a million rupiahs resident. The 18 finalist comes from different background, but one thing they all had in common was ambition. I’m not saying it’s bad. In fact it does make things better to watch.
Every week there will be one participant extradited, Decide by the boss and/or the key master. Both privileges of boss and key master given to the top 3 Rank decided by sms pool. They had to win the game to become boss or key master. What’s the good? Well if you one of them you’ll be save until the next week. Boss’s privilege is that he/she can save one of the three bottom candidates. And key master’s job is send one of the rest back home. The decision of boss and key master was very subjective, based on like or dislike and their own perception of threat potential (that’s the interesting part).
In order to survive they had to play strategy in there. From coalition, provoking, deceiving, dividing, everything it takes. They play character, all is shockingly creates dynamics in that house. But the character of arrogant always dominates, proved by 2 straight week become a boss, and 3 times key master. I’m talking about one of the arrogant candidates which over glorifying his ability to win every single game, and believe in his own determination and power to conquer all the challenge. He claims himself as the puppet master, controlled all the candidates and creates conflict in the house. When he wasn’t the boss, he always criticized the work performance of other and compares with his (which he claimed as flawless). That’s what the strategy about, to intimidate your rivals. The point is show your rival is bad even worst, than you appear as the best one.
Bottom line is, this tv shows recall me on the quotes of survival of the fittest. What the mean of this quote that I used to understand simply, be the strongest then you’ll survive. Excellent description law of jungle, perfect picture of uncivilized reality played by self-claims civilized creature. Yes, my tentative contextual comprehension upon the concept of survival of the fittest was: Eat or be eaten. I realized that it is also approved traditionally by majority. Just ask every one what they know about it, then they’ll describe how natural law reveal its secrets, about life chain, food pyramid, how the strong one will be on top of the pyramid, weak one dead first and become the lunch.
Now, the TV program show me more than what it comes at the surface, its not only about the strongest, because I found another paradox. I can’t figure how the weakest candidates, who always be in the bottom three every week still survive until now. He has no potential, no special thing to be proud of. He’s not the strongest, or the smartest. Always in the lowest position, but also escape from extradition. Even though he is lucky enough to be saved few time, My rational sense refused to believe in luck as much in that portion. Finally i came up with other alternative answer: he can fit in…! That’s what it is. He can adjust, adapt. And fit in where ever. And to be fit doesn’t necessary need the strength.
So about the question is it fitted still? Well literally it is, textually, if we put the comprehension back on its literal mean. “fit” …
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