Its weird how you go from stranger to be friend, to be more than friend, to being practically strangers again and it happens so fast.
Yea, you know I’m being melodramatic rite now, for the first time in my life I regret my miscalculated decision, I’m not regret the decision, but the miscalculated part.
Why I put this in here? Supposedly this page only to laugh at debaters stupidity,, but guess what?? This is also one of the stupidities of a debater. Let me tell you what it is precisely
Tell the other debater the magical word that will change the world: “I like you”
Yes ma’am, sir..
I should warn you about this; most important I should warn my self about this earlier…
Recently, I got crushed on my team mate; he’s not in our list actually. Bottom line is after 2 months (more-less) observation, I was positively confidently assume that this is it, I like him, and plan to tell him right away. I know I mite come of as a negative with this decision, but don’t get me wrong, the plan is already pass the long procedure of self debate, I’ve calculated the costs and benefit, counted on the possibilities, forecast the astrological match, consult with tarot experts, and finally decide to take the action with basic consideration: o.. what the hack? What worse than death?... but as you know, I’m not really good at math, miscalculation on the possibility that I still goin to meet him again is definitely become a disaster.
Straight shoot my man,, I tell him on one sunny Tuesday, I don’t really know, but I think it went well, I never expected any further action like hook up or proceed it somewhere, I wasn’t sure about boy friend- girl friend thing, which is quite normal in Indonesian date culture (well, after the confession it should be yes/no, “jadian” or awkward). What I want that time was he knew that I like him. That’s it.
But apparently it’s not that simple; I was shocked, and surprise how it affects me. A lot. I realize that it’s not only that, just not enough. I want him to know I like him (well at first) but then after I want him likes me back, and I’m fully satisfied. (still not expecting any BF-GF thing).
And here’s the best scene ladies and gents, the answer
Begin with positive responds (gesture, and expression) smile and said “really??? Seriously??? Since when???” (I heard the triumph), continued with the line: “I feel very flatter, thank you, Mia. But…” (then I heard sound of the 7th trumpet) he continued with the sentence that hit me right on my face and force me to get up and feel the punch on my nose again and makes me wish I was death (nah… that’s too much) by saying: “… I am with this girl now, and I want to focus on her,,, I’m not the guy who easily jump from one to another, so…” (sort of what he said as far as I can remember or imagine, because not sure I was conscious enough).
Yes sir, ma’am I was rejected (kinda)
Now what’s the moral in it?
1st lessons : make sure how bad you like this guy,
2nd lessons : make sure that he’s not a debater nor your team mate (believe me ladies, its unbelievably hard)
3rd lessons : count on the possibility of the chance that you’ll mite meet again or work in the same project or play in the next competition. Make sure you do the math, count it twice, thrice, verify it, sorter it, think again, and cancel it… (Before you humiliate yourself)
4th lessons : if you can’t help your self, please,, I mean pleeeeeeaaaaassss,,,, think about that again.
5th lessons : if you believe you must tell him otherwise you’ll choke till death, well… you better find the perfect timing,